
Gnash swf viewer
Gnash swf viewer

gnash swf viewer gnash swf viewer

It’s also one more way to impair the “free fair competition” (“compétition libre et non faussée” in french), EU’s primary official goal, in disfavor of open source solutions, because, until I see a formal proof, open source DRM is by essence impossible, except maybe in sun’s DReaM … As I said it only limits the rights of average joe to exercise fair use, does nothing to the people it should target. Notwithstanding the fact that their protection by DMCA/EUCD/… infringe the constitutionnally given freedom of speech of software developpers (software is speech) by forbidding writing breaking apps or forcing us to use them in apps thus forcing apps to be closed source (yes, have a look at DADVSI…), DRM should be banned along with flash. It’s only a carot waved by vendors to make sure ppl use their proprietary solution instead of open and ree ones. It’s bad ethically, doesn’t and will never work correctly, only impair fair users’ rights but barely stops people who really want to pirate stuff anyway. I’d prefer everyone stuck with Real, myself, but Macromedia’s solution was the least painful for end users, and they drive standards adoption as much as we try to push it. Macromedia provided a platform-neutral VM with its own server technology, affordable authoring tools, and noncomplex content protection (albeit crackable). Content providers recognize that codecs tether users to players, providers to expensive server software, and OSS solutions like OGG offer no content protection which like it or not is a dealbreaker.ģ. The W3C is not in the position of mandating minimum codec requirements as the situation is not directly comparable to mandating alpha-enabled PNG support.Ģ. The consequences of this austerity measure are as follows:ġ. The entire point of deprecating all rectangular nontextual elements (even IMAGE) in favor of OBJECT was to keep HTML from being needlessly corrupted by technology-based elements whose purpose and definitions were likely to be corporately controlled and highly mutable over time. Unfortunately it’s HTML, and the point of XHTML was to reinforce the point that HTML is a document language, not an interactive multimedia engine. If the coding was referred to as HMML (HyperMedia), I’d be inclined to agree with you.

Gnash swf viewer